Friday, December 28, 2018

Informal Poll Results

A few weeks back I asked a couple of questions on tc:  1.  What's the one thing you like most about Hobbs?  2.  What's the thing about Hobbs you'd most like to change?

We got 13 responses, which is enough to indicate something I guess.  Full responses are repeated below, but here's the summary:

Positives that got multiple answers were the overall activeness and competitiveness of the world, the blog and the fast starts after rollover.  Most respondents didn't have anything they wanted to change; 1 owner offered changes to HBD rather than Hobbs, and 1 wanted to change his team's performance.  If I recall correctly there were only 2 suggestions for changes to Hobbs that we could enact: a cap on Fielding Coach and/or IFA offers, and a suggestion to do away with the MWR.  

Thanks for the comments, all, here are the individual replies

"I love how active this world is. Don't have any down side. Frankly, I don't really do a lot of the social aspect of the game, but appreciate that it keeps people involved."

"It's early still but membership is very active and lots of chat/blog work which drives interest for me at least. I didn't post what to change, too early I think for me to be critical of anything if at all."

"I like that we roll quickly and the world is managed well."

"#1 - Rollover is quick, well run and organized world with solid owners #2 - My team's performance "

"Blog content/ league friendliness and I've been here a short time nothing I would change so far "

"I loved the previews very much. Great job and as a new owner I appreciated the work you put in to complete it. Well done. Too new to Hobbs to request any changes."

"The blog has been fantastic. I can't think of anything I'd change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "

"The thing I like most is the quick turnaround to the next season because of the recruiting you guys do to fill quickly. Other things I like are good owners who love baseball, who like to deal, and every team is very competitive on every level.
So I know that is more than 1 thing but since when do I get the chance to say my opinion like this. So the what I would change is more about improvements to the game than the world to be honest. I would like to see the draft become better as far the quality of talent. I mean after 10 players in the 1st round every other player is a dumpster fire of talent for playing baseball. So getting more than 1 or 2 players that could reach AAA is a miracle. Now I am just venting about my drafting frustrations. I also like the resurrection of the blog."

"1a: Salary cap; 1b: League chat/camaraderie; 2: Nothing"

"The competitiveness, most of us know this game and how to build a franchise. Heard someone whiffed on a fielding instructor with a 5 mill+ offer this offseason. You need 30 mil+ to play the international market. This roster didn't have any AAAA players to allow me to be competitive in that arena, and hit the MWR when I came aboard. Just throwing ideas out there, maybe a cap on FI or international offer. "

"1. Blog kicks ***, great owners, very active people like you here 2. Get rid of MWR at the ML level "

"I took some time to think about it. I'd say it's the activeness and competitiveness with quality owners. Which might be three things.  "

"1. quick drama-less rollover 2. honestly, nothing. love it here "

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